C2H2 Hybridization

C2H2 Hybridization

In the formation of ethyne molecule, both the carbon atoms undergo sp-hybridization having two unhybridized orbital i.e., 2py and 2px.

 One sp hybrid orbital of one carbon atom overlaps axially with sp hybrid orbital of the other carbon atoms to form C-C sigma bonds. While the other hybridized orbital of each carbon atom overlaps axially with the half filled s orbital of hydrogen atoms forming  bonds. Each of the two unhybridised p orbitals of both the carbon atoms overlaps sidewise to form two 𝜋 bonds between the carbon atoms. so the triple bonds between the two carbon atoms is made up of one sigma and two pi bonds as shown in the below figure.

C2H2 Hybridization


  1. Shouldn't there be 4 unhybridized orbitals in one molecule of ethane 2 from each carbon?


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